
interconnected怎么读: 音标[,intəkə'nektid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ interconnected是什么意思

v. 互相连接, 互相联系( interconnect的过去式和过去分词)

s. reciprocally connected


1. They're all interconnected with these old tunnels.


2. And because they're interconnected, ours is dying as well.

因为两个宇宙是相连的 我们的也行将就木

3. We're the synapses in its noggin, its mind, interconnecting.

我们是它的大脑里的神经突触 互相连接

4. They're creating an interconnected web of information.


5. What they lack in interconnecting parts, they make up for in love.

虽然他们缺少内部联系的部件 但他们可以用爱弥补

6. The ability to manipulate interconnected particles over an infinite distance.

可以在一定距离内操控 互相联系的粒子的能力

7. The new world is the interconnected world of global finance.


8. You're part of an interconnected group of hitmen working together online.


9. The knowledge has to be organised into a knowledge graph a vast web of interconnections.

这些知识必须被整编进知识图谱中 形成相互联系的知识网络

10. It's really only over the last half century or so that we've grown this very large interconnected infrastructure.

我们只用了半个世纪的时间 就完成了这些庞大的 交错贯通的基础设施建设
