
sinner怎么读: 音标['sinә]
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◎ sinner是什么意思

n. 罪人, 不知礼仪的人, 无赖
[法] 罪人, 无赖

n. a person who sins (without repenting)


1. If you defend a sinner, you must be a sinner.

如果你战胜了罪人 你肯定也是罪人

2. We are all sinners, but in every sinner lies a winner.

我们都是罪人 但每个罪人都能成功

3. Bobby, I hate to break it to you, but I'm a sinner who wags his finger at other sinners.

巴比 我不想打击你 但我也只是个聆听罪人忏悔的罪人

4. You should tell us about them, these sinners.

你可以跟我们说说他们 那些有罪之人

5. Or die a sinner with no forgiveness.

不然就作为一个罪人 不被原谅地死去

6. We have let a sinner into our house.


7. And you have to cut that sinner out of your life.


8. Marthas are sinners, too, so we're told.

女佣也是罪人 至少他们是这么说的

9. She doesn't have to die for us sinners.


10. He is a godless sinner, and he deserved what he got.

他是个*的罪人 他现在是罪有应得
