
preteen怎么读: 音标['pri:'ti:n]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ preteen是什么意思

a. 青春期前的
n. 青春期前的孩子

n. a preadolescent boy or girl (usually between 9 and 12 years of age)
s. of or relating to or designed for children between the ages of 9 and 12


1. Before you know it, you'll have the strength of a preteen.

很快 你就能拥有13岁小孩的力量了

2. His little preteen hormones are kicking in.


3. It's a very popular doll line for preteen girls.


4. You handle your hard liquor like a preteen.


5. Teen club's just for teens and preteens.


6. Two teens, two preteens, and a toddler.

两个少年 两个儿童 还有一个小娃娃

7. The preteen dance finals are this weekend, and I'm way behind on working on our routine.

儿童舞蹈赛决赛这周末就要举行了 但是我完全没有好好排练

8. No one else is offering monitored, interactive social space for teens and preteens.

没有别的公司能为青少年提供 这种监管良好的社交互动平台

9. Tell the world you've got a head for business, and a bod for preteen catalog modeling.

向世界宣布你有商业头脑 以及做模特的少女身材

10. Some mothers would introduce their preteen children to local cops in hopes that would help keep them safe.

有些母亲会把自己的小孩子 介绍给当地警察 希望这能保护他们的安全
