
tithe怎么读: 音标[taið]
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◎ tithe是什么意思

n. 什一税, 十分之一, 小部分
vt. 课什一税
vi. 缴什一税

n. a levy of one tenth of something
n. an offering of a tenth part of some personal income
v. exact a tithe from


1. And I could do a lot of good work with all that tithing money.

那我就可以用这些钱 做很多好事了

2. With all this, church should have been getting double the tithes and offering, with all the money I seen these heathens waste on you tonight.

这一切 这些异教徒浪费在你身上的钱 教会本应得到双倍的奉献
