
victor怎么读: 音标['viktә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ victor是什么意思

n. 胜利者
a. 胜利的

n. a combatant who is able to defeat rivals


1. You can call me victor, and to the victor go the spoils.

你可以叫我胜利者 胜利者得到战利品

2. Victor! I wasn't worried about that, no.

维克多 我没有担心过这一点

3. Victor, we're here to talk to you as a professional.

维克多 我们来这是想听听你的专业意见

4. Victor, you came to me for some reason.

维克多 你来找我是有原因的

5. Victor only did these terrible things because of me.


6. Victor has his own approach to things.


7. Victor, my friend, I know who you are.

维克多 我的朋友 我知道你的为人

8. Victor, you were supposed to behave yourself.

维克托 是你该老老实实的

9. Victor, I don't want any more crepes.

维克多 我不想再吃薄饼了

10. Victor, I want this as much as you do.

维克托 我跟你一样渴望这份感情
