
waistcoat怎么读: 音标['weistkәut]
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◎ waistcoat是什么意思

n. 西装背心, 马甲

n a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat


1. My very thought when I chose this waistcoat.


2. There's a shiny patch on your waistcoat where your watch was.


3. Oh, no. I'd never apologize for this waistcoat.

不 我绝不会为了这件马甲道歉

4. My wife says I'm brave for wearing this waistcoat.


5. I must most extravagantly admire that musical gentleman's waistcoat.

我一定是 太喜欢那位乐手的马甲了

6. Come take his coat off and his waistcoat, and I'll come and reassess the wound.

来脱下他的外套和马甲 我一会儿过来评估他的伤势

7. A man goes in for a waistcoat and finds himself blackmailed for detestable crimes.

一个人进去买马甲 却发现自己因为可恶的罪行而被敲诈

8. Whistler wore white trousers, white waistcoats and white jackets.

惠斯勒穿白色裤子 白色背心 白色外套

9. Papa's little silver knife ever ready to slip out of his waistcoat and stick into the back of a pig to check the depth of fat.

爸爸总是备着一把银色的小刀 随时都能从马甲里抽出来 捅进猪背里 检验脂肪的厚度

10. I shall provide two waistcoats, two jackets, two pairs of trousers, one overcoat, one pair of boots, a hat.

我会给你做两件马甲 两件夹克衫 两条裤子 一件大衣 一双靴子 一顶帽子
