
crowning怎么读: 音标['krauniŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ crowning是什么意思

a. 最高的, 无比的
[医] 造冠术(牙); 儿头初露(分娩)

s. representing a level of the highest possible achievement or attainment
s. forming or providing a crown or summit


1. I now crown you, with a crown of glory and righteousness, that having a right faith and manifold proof of good works, you may obtain the crown of an everlasting kingdom.

我用这荣耀与正义之冠为您加冕 它象征着正确的信仰并承载着善举的证明 您可以得到这象征永恒王国的王冠

2. My crown is called content, a crown it is that seldom kings enjoy.

满足就是我的王冠 只属于一个国王的王冠

3. It seems I am a crown without an *, and you're an * without a crown.

现在我是一个戴着王冠的小孩 而你是没有王冠的大人

4. But this... you are the crown jewel.

但是这一幅 你才是最闪亮的王冠明珠

5. And they are in there now and they have my crown.

他们现在就在房间内 我的皇冠还在他们手上

6. Not as a crown because it's too *all.

它不是个皇冠 因为从构造看它太小了

7. So if you want the crown, it's yours.

如果你想要王冠 归你了

8. Here's the crown, just as we agreed.

皇冠在这儿了 我履行了承诺

9. Buy you the crown jewels if I could.

我要是有钱 就给你买最好的珠宝

10. All that stands between him and the crown is my head.

