
desperado怎么读: 音标[.despә'rɑ:dәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ desperado是什么意思

n. 亡命之徒
[法] 亡命之徒, 暴徒

n. a bold outlaw (especially on the American frontier)


1. They said he was a desperado with a terrible face.


2. I don't know, you look like a desperado to me.

我不知道 我觉得你像个亡命之徒

3. Sorry I won't be able to spread it to the likes of these desperadoes.

真抱歉我不能把它转述给这些 亡命之徒

4. It's a hideout for ravens, desperados who know every twist and turn.

乌鸦隐匿在此处 这些掠食者对地形了如指掌

5. But the director has him holdin' the desperadoes' getaway horses right in front of the livery.

但导演让他在车夫面前牵着 那匹亡命之徒用来逃跑的马

6. Our desperadoes, the scourge of the west, their dark hearts filled with malicious intent.

我们的亡命之徒 西部的祸害 他们的内心充满了恶意

7. You know, you don't seem all that much like a desperado to me so much as you just look desperate.

你看上去不像个亡命之徒 看起倒是很绝望

8. All right, that was exciting, but as I was saying, over the next 10 days, we are going to plan and execute a daring robbery, a dangerous chase, a deadly shootout, and culminating will be a dramatic trial of some of the most nefarious desperadoes to ever stalk the west.

没错 那确实很令人激动 但我要说的是 在接下来的十天里 我们将计划并执行 一次大胆的抢劫 有危险的追逐 也有致命的枪战 而*将会是一场 对那些追踪西方的*亡命之徒 的戏剧性审判
