
coolly怎么读: 音标['ku:li]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ coolly是什么意思

adv. 沉着, 自若

r. in a composed and unconcerned manner


1. All right, now we just have to exit coolly.

好 现在我们只能"冷静"出去了

2. They coolly assimilate entire civilizations, entire systems, in a matter of hours.

他们冷静地同化了全部文明 全部星系 不过就花了短短数小时

3. Survivors speak of gunmen dressed in western clothes, coolly and methodically mowing down commuters in cold blood.

幸存者称 持枪者穿戴西方服饰 冷静有序而又冷酷无情地*路人
