
airtime怎么读: 音标['eәtaim]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ airtime是什么意思



1. I don't think we should give her any airtime at all.


2. This is money I've already spent on airtime for that commercial.


3. Milner's team bought up a ton of airtime.


4. Oh, it looks like we have some clowns who are desperate for airtime.

看來有幾位小丑朋友 等不急上直播了

5. alert the networks that I want airtime to address the nation.

通知电视台 发表全国讲话

6. And stop giving airtime to that nutjob who's running for city council.

而且別再報道那個競選 市議會的瘋子了

7. I want to broach a topic that no one else has the airtime to fill to discuss.

我想提一個話題 別人都沒法在節目上有時間討論

8. Our last payment for the minimall will cover the cost of the commercial, including airtime.

上次小型商场项目的报酬 能够支撑拍广告的支出 包括播出费用

9. They want us to pull tape in case we need to cut bait and fill the airtime.

他们让我们调些带子出来 以防我们需要剪掉这段 补上别的

10. Well, we just shot a great new spot, but when we went to buy airtime, we ran into a snag.

我们刚拍摄了一个很棒的新广告 但我们去购买播放时间时 我们碰到了麻烦
