
precedent怎么读: 音标['presidәnt]
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◎ precedent是什么意思

n. 先例, 前例
a. 在先的, 在前的

n. an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
n. a subject mentioned earlier (preceding in time)
s. preceding in time, order, or significance


1. To them, it's about more than precedents and dissents.

对他们来说 他们不想只讨论先例和异议

2. Well, there's no precedent for the spot we're in here.


3. That could set a very dangerous precedent.


4. But there's no precedent. It's in none of the literature.

但是没有过先例 以前从来没有报道过

5. It's not my interpretation. It's settled precedent.

这不是我的理解 这是固定的判例

6. Look at them. It is without precedent.

看看他们 这可没有先例

7. But all of this only after giving precedence over these things to me.

但所有的這些 對我來說都是其次

8. He thinks we can mine it for a precedent.


9. We have to set a precedent for our future clients.


10. Your reputation for helping those in need precedes you.

