
oppressively怎么读: 音标[ə'presɪvlɪ]
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◎ oppressively是什么意思

adv. 沉重地; 烦闷地; 压迫地

r. in a heavy and oppressive way


1. In his view, there was no oppression.

在他看来 没有*的行为

2. I, too, am resilient, and I'm tired of being oppressed.

我也很反叛 也受够了被压迫

3. Deliverer of the sufferer and the oppressed.


4. Most of our people are content being oppressed.


5. We only oppose the government that oppresses you.


6. Why, you're our only ticket out of this poverty and oppression.

怎么会 你是我们摆脱贫穷和压迫的唯一希望

7. But what's most striking is its unwavering oppressive whiteness.

但它留给世人最深的印象 还是它那岿然不动 令人倍感压抑的白色

8. Yeah, some would say they both oppress women.

是啊 有些人会说他们都压迫女性

9. Because you would just rail against the oppression of learning.

因为你只会抱怨 学校的存在是对学习的压抑

10. It is the story of an oppressor becoming the oppressed.

这是一个 压迫者成为被压迫者的故事
