
greying怎么读: 音标['ɡreiiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ greying是什么意思

a. 石墨化的;发灰色的

v make grey
v turn grey


1. And, over there, we've got a grey habitat with grey floor and grey pebbles.

那边是一个有灰色地板的灰色栖息地 里面是灰色卵石

2. It's obvious in between dyeing stages that it's, it's fairly grey now and the grey hair is quite different. It's a lot coarser.

在染发的时候也会很明显 现在头发有点灰白 灰白的头发不同于黑发 会更粗糙

3. This is a really nice example of the grey matter, these grey areas around the outside of the brain here, which is where the majority of our brain cells sit.

这是展示大脑灰质的一个非常好的例子 就是这些在大脑周围的灰*域 这是我们绝大多数脑细胞存在的地方

4. Grey, that's not what this is about. It might be what it's about.

格雷 不是因为这个 也许就是因为这个

5. They're not clear they're fuzzy, they're grey.

不甚清晰 模糊朦胧 灰色地带

6. Isn't it charming? It's grey and pink.

不迷人吗 是灰色和粉色的

7. Grey, I don't know who you are anymore.

格雷 我已经不认识你了

8. Not today, it's a bit grey, but it could be.

但今天不行 有点阴天 不过有太阳就好了

9. Although your hair does have more grey in it than it did before the war.

虽然你的灰头发 比去战场前要多了

10. And that isn't the only grey one, if you are, erm, having a cull.

如果你在拔白头发 你可不止有一根
