
outbid怎么读: 音标[.aut'bid]
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◎ outbid是什么意思

vt. 出高于...的价钱

v. bid over an opponent's bid when one's partner has not bid or doubled
v. bid higher than others


1. I won't be outbid so you're all wasting your time.

你们出价不会比我高 所以只会浪费时间

2. Many lords wanted him, but I outbid them all.

很多贵族都想要 最后我把它买了下来

3. It says we do not outbid each other or turn on each other or outsell each other.

里面说了我们不能互相抬价 不能背叛彼此或相互抢生意

4. At the last four auctions, they were outbid.

之前的四次拍卖会 他们都没中标

5. Messages he was receiving from the guy he outbid.


6. I'm gonna trick someone into outbidding him.


7. He's also the one outbidding us for the shares.


8. He was always outbidding me when it came to hiring vendors.

我找供应商的时候 他总是比我出价高

9. You think perhaps he was killed by someone he outbid.


10. Stay here and make sure no one outbids me on this package.

