
Vicars怎么读: 音标['vɪkə]
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◎ Vicars是什么意思

n. [英国国教]教区牧师;[天主教]代牧

n a Roman Catholic priest who acts for another higher-ranking clergyman
n (Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel
n (Church of England) a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish


1. I'm very good friends with the vicar.


2. Because that room belongs to the vicar.


3. The vicar and I had already talked about it.


4. I wasn't very nice, I know, only he's a vicar.

我的态度不友好 我知道 但只因为他是个牧师

5. You'd think, with him being a vicar, he'd be more sensitive.

你以为既然他是个牧师 会更敏感

6. Not the old vicar. I'd have known him.

不是原来的牧师 我认识他的

7. Do you know what that car is? It's a wacky vicar.

你知道这车像什么吗? 那种荒唐的传教士

8. You're not a real vicar, I can tell.

你不是真的牧师 我能看出来

9. The vicar will be happy to meet you.


10. Said this to the vicar, who was looking round.

