
sheldon怎么读: 音标['ʃeldәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ sheldon是什么意思

n. 谢尔登(男子名)


1. Sheldon, all we did was walk in from the car.

谢尔顿 就下车走进屋这段路而已

2. Sheldon, I vote that is not a tangent.

谢尔顿 我投票这不是带偏题

3. Sheldon, my name's on that paper, too.

谢尔顿 我的名字也在论文上

4. Sheldon, I've been thinking about it, and you're right.

谢尔顿 我一直在考虑这件事 你说得对

5. Sheldon and I could split our shares with you.


6. Sheldon, I could never be with anybody but you.

谢尔顿 除了你 我无法跟其他男人相好

7. Sheldon is a delight to have in the class.


8. Sheldon, I'm a figment of your imagination.

谢尔顿 我是你的想象虚构出来的

9. Sheldon, you have nothing to worry about.

谢尔顿 你没什么可担心的

10. Sheldon, I promise you don't have leprosy.

谢尔顿 我跟你保证你没有麻风病
