
esophageal怎么读: 音标[i(:),sɔfә'dʒi(:)әl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ esophageal是什么意思

a. 食管
[医] 食管的

a. relating to the esophagus


1. No, that boy could have an esophageal laceration.

不行 那孩子可能有食道裂伤

2. And it's the same color as my cadaver's esophageal sphincter.

并且这甜品的颜色 跟我解剖尸体的食管括约肌一样

3. Your lower esophageal sphincter isn't working properly.


4. Esophageal tear and broken bones from a physical assault.


5. The patient's achalasia makes the esophageal repair complicated.


6. Okay, inflate the esophageal balloon to 40 millimeters.

好 把食管的气囊充到40毫米

7. I've...gotten a grant to use coldlight illumination for esophageal surgery.

我得到一笔基金 可以将冷光照明 运用于食道手术

8. Sean's endoscopy shows chronic caustic esophageal erosions.


9. Caput medusae, esophageal varices, hemorrhoids, ascites splenomegaly.

脐周静脉曲张 食管静脉曲张 痔疮 腹水 脾肿大

10. Your vomiting en route may have been forceful enough to cause an esophageal perforation.

你之前的剧烈呕吐很可能 引起了食道穿孔
