
hannibal怎么读: 音标['hænibәl]
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◎ hannibal是什么意思

n. 汉尼巴尔(男子名);汉尼拔(公元前247~前183, 迦太基名将、统帅)

n. general who commanded the Carthaginian army in the second Punic War; crossed the Alps and defeated the Romans but was recalled to defend Carthage and was defeated (247-182 BC)
n. a town in northeast Missouri on the Mississippi River; boyhood home of Mark Twain


1. Hannibal did this so he doesn't have to face what he did.

汉尼拔是元凶 从而逃避自己的所作所为

2. Hannibal said he would. In his own way.


3. Hannibal's been a teacher, a mentor, and a friend.


4. Hannibal and I were both traumatized by dangerous patients.

汉尼拔和我都因为危险的病人 受到过精神创伤

5. Hannibal's only crime I witnessed was influence.

我见到汉尼拔犯下的唯一罪行 就是对他人施以影响

6. And I'll be hannibal 'cause I'm the *art one.

而且我是汉尼拔 因为我是最聪明的一个

7. Hannibal could disappear too well and you'd be left with nothing.

汉尼拔也许会从此匿迹 那你可就什么都得不到了

8. Hannibal has tentatively agreed to the deal, as proposed.


9. Hannibal influenced me to murder my patient, our patient.

在汉尼拔的影响下 我杀了我的病人 我们的病人

10. Hannibal obviously has good papers and money.

