
aerospace怎么读: 音标['єәrәuspeis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ aerospace是什么意思

n. 航天空间, 航天技术

n. the atmosphere and outer space considered as a whole


1. First we had oil, then we had aerospace.

我们一开始搞石油 然后是航空工业

2. It was a springboard to my career in aerospace.


3. I bet most of those guys worked in aerospace.


4. Further, you have intimate knowledge of russian aerospace engineering.

再说 你们对俄罗斯航天技术了解颇深

5. Physics was his passion aerospace engineering, to be exact.

他热爱物理科学 尤其是航天工程

6. I'm told it's an aerospace engineering company, and this is their corporate headquarters.

他们说这是个航空航天工程公司 这是他们的公司总部

7. Not a lot of farm girls grow up to be aerospace engineers.


8. It's the town where I came up as an aerospace engineer manufacturing commercial aircraft.

那是我成长的小镇 我就在那里成为了 一位制造商用飞机的航空工程师

9. An anonymous billionaire is awarding $15 million for significant aerospace advancement.

一位亿万富翁匿名设下1500万奖金 奖励重大航空宇宙发现

10. So I'm on my way to a littleknown impact test facility used by the defence and aerospace industry to measure the strength of plane structures and engines.

我正前往一家鲜为人知的冲击实验场 这是国防和航空业用来测试 飞机架构和引擎强度的场所
