
chagrin怎么读: 音标['ʃægrin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ chagrin是什么意思

n. 懊恼
vt. 使懊恼

n. strong feelings of embarrassment


1. And not just heartbroken crestfallen and chagrined.

不仅仅是心碎 还会一蹶不振和悔恨交加

2. I'm not dealing anymore, much to the chagrin of my former employer.

我不再贩毒了 为此我的前任上司可是很生气

3. much to the chagrin of my real daughter, who can't run fast at all.

这让我女儿很不爽 因为她根本跑不快

4. Whatever he did in the interim remains a mystery, much to my chagrin.

在此期间 没人知道他做过什么 对此我也感到很气愤

5. Much to my chagrin, I'm in your idyllic, sunny little town.

很不幸 我在你的田園陽光小鎮里
