
member怎么读: 音标['membә]
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◎ member是什么意思

n. 成员, 会员
[医] │肢, 肢体

n. one of the persons who compose a social group (especially individuals who have joined and participate in a group organization)
n. anything that belongs to a set or class
n. an organization that is a member of another organization (especially a state that belongs to a group of nations)


1. You're not a member? I thought you were a member.

你不是会员吗 我以为你是会员

2. As a member of staff, not as a member of the family.

以一名工作人员的身份 而不是家人

3. It's members of the jury, not members in the jury.

是陪审团成员 不是"插入"陪审员

4. Disobeying a staff member, insolence to a staff member.

违抗工作人员 侮辱工作人员

5. Especially where one band member is another band member's alibi.

特别是那些乐队成员之间 相互作不在场证明的

6. I attempted to discover the members of her semester, but without at least one more member, it is impossible.

我尝试着找出她的分会同伴 但如果连一条人员线索都没有 就没法做到

7. Because one family member starts talking crap about another family member.

因为其中一个人开始 讲其他人的坏话

8. After she's been nominated by two current members, one former member, approved by the board.

不过她需要被两个现会员和一个前会员 推荐 然后被董事会批准

9. And it will include a *all plot for church members and recently deceasd relatives of church members.

它将有一小块墓地留给教会成员 和教会成员刚过世的亲属

10. The family at the time consisted of 30 members and 15 of the members had inherited a speech and language disorder from the grandmother.

那时这个家庭有三十名成员 其中十五人由祖母 遗传了说话与语言障碍
