
wiggly怎么读: 音标['wigli]
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◎ wiggly是什么意思

a. 左右摇摆的, 蠕动的, 起伏的

s. moving in a twisting or snake-like or wormlike fashion


1. It wasn't really so much about the numbers as where your wiggly line was going in relation to the street's wiggly line.

这里面并没有太多数字 但让你看到自己 在整条街的曲线上处于何处

2. They're pink wiggly things that live in the ground.


3. First you get the wiggly fingers, which is a warning the legs are about to go.

先是你手指抽搐 这也是示警 腿要没劲儿了

4. Strontium 90 isn't something you can just pick up at your local piggly wiggly.

锶90不是在超级市场里 随便就能买到的东西

5. It's like he's got insects trapped up there, all trying to escape, with their wee, wiggly legs.

就跟他鼻子里困住了一堆昆虫 正扭动肢体试图逃出生天一样

6. He'd jump up all wiggly and squirmy, grabbin' at his backside, th that squeaky little voice of his cooing like a pigeon.

他左摇右摆地扭着 抓着他的* 像鸽子一样吱吱直叫
