
uninspiring怎么读: 音标[ˌʌnɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ]
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◎ uninspiring是什么意思

a. 引不起兴趣的, 无鼓舞作用的, 无指望的

a. depressing to the spirit


1. I can't help feeling these ideas are uninspired.


2. Uninspired but walking in unison, I guess.


3. How sentimental and uninspired from the vice principal.

你这样当副校长未免 感情用事 毫无新意

4. Your dull, uninspiring life will continue as ever.


5. Been a long night of training a bunch of uninspired dipshits.


6. With a mediocre seaweed and uninspired soy sauce, it reeks of promise unfulfilled.

毫无亮点的海草 和平平无奇的酱油 让人觉得很不满意

7. I take your uninspired living space and turn it into the perfect palace of your dreams.

我会将你们毫无创意的家 变成你们梦想中的完美宫殿

8. I bet your thankyou letters are perfunctory, your flower arrangements are uninspired, and your curtsy is an embarras*ent.

我打赌你的感谢致辞很敷衍 你的花朵装饰毫无灵感 你的屈膝礼也很尴尬

9. One of the first things that struck me when I arrived here was just how uninspired everyone looks.

我刚到这里时 首先感觉到的 就是每个人看上去多么了无生机

10. Like crappy products, like lame services, like uninspiring places to work.

例如劣质的产品 差劲的服务 死气沉沉的工作氛围等等
