
peppermint怎么读: 音标['pepәmint]
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◎ peppermint是什么意思

n. 薄荷, 薄荷油, 胡椒薄荷, 薄荷糖
[化] 薄荷

n. herb with downy leaves and small purple or white flowers that yields a pungent oil used as a flavoring
n. a candy flavored with peppermint oil


1. And then when it's hot I'll turn it down to simmer, and that's when we are cooking peppermint and we'll see peppermint coming out of the condenser.

变热以后我就降温 慢慢煨 这是烹制胡椒薄荷的方法 薄荷油会从冷凝器中流出

2. Suppose you absolutely adore candy canes and you didn't think you even liked peppermint bark, but then you find some peppermint bark you really want to eat.

假设你很喜欢拐杖糖 而你觉得自己根本不喜欢薄荷巧克力 但是你发现了你真的很想吃的薄荷巧克力

3. I hope...this does justice to your peppermint oil.


4. I'm going to use this peppermint in a roulade.


5. This peppermint is in perfect condition for harvest.


6. But the thing that lightens it up is your peppermint oil.


7. It fills the forest with the sense of peppermint.


8. You should chew peppermint if you can find some.


9. I have some peppermint oil that will help with that.

我有些薄荷油 能治疗这个

10. For me, this is the thrill, to end up with the peppermint oil in your hand.

对我而言 最后能制得薄荷油令我很激动
