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◎ watercolor是什么意思

n. 水彩颜料, 水彩画

n. a painting produced with watercolors
n. a water-base paint (with water-soluble pigments); used by artists
n. water-soluble pigment


1. Mostly watercolors, poetry, and the occasional symphony.

我的才能主要在水彩 诗歌和偶尔的交响曲方面

2. I've been threatening to take up watercolors for years, but I'm gonna do it now.

我说要重新开始画水彩说了好几年了 我决定现在就动手

3. Well, the style needs to be... looser, particularly the watercolors.

风格应该无拘束一些 尤其是水彩画

4. If I didn't have my ‭kickboxing class as an outlet, the watercolors I do in my painting class would be really dark.

如果我没有学习搏击操来发泄的话 我在绘画班上画的水彩 肯定会异常黑暗

5. I personally prefer working in oils, although watercolors are more forgiving as we age.

我个人偏爱油画 虽然随着我们年龄增长 水彩更加随意一些

6. I always thought maybe I'd retire, take up watercolors or beekeeping, or something.

我一直觉得 也许我会退休 开始画水彩画 养蜜蜂 或者其他的

7. Great, if you wanna look like an eccentric aunt who teaches watercolors.

如果你想看起来像个教水彩画的怪阿姨 它很适合你

8. I'm leaving you a box of watercolors and parchment if you choose to express yourself through monumental landscape painting.

我甚至给你们准备了一盒水彩和仿羊皮纸 如果你们想通过 画风景画来表达内心情感的话

9. Butcher paper, watercolor paint, now he can afford canvas, oil paints.

厚纸 水彩画 现在他用得起帆布和油画颜料了
