
spit怎么读: 音标[spit]
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◎ spit是什么意思

n. 唾液, 唾吐, 小雨, 炙叉, 一铲的深度
vt. 唾吐, 吐出, 降小雨, 用炙叉穿过
vi. 吐唾沫, 吐痰, 唾弃, 飘霏霏细雨

n. a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea
n. a skewer for holding meat over a fire
n. the act of spitting (forcefully expelling saliva)
v. expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth


1. I was spitting out formulas while you were still spitting up formula.

在我能造出嬰兒食品的時候 你還在吃嬰兒食品

2. If you were on fire, I would spit on you.

如果你着火了 我会向你唾一口的

3. and that is you spitting in my face.


4. If you've heard summat spit it out.

如果你听到什么风声 快说出来

5. Now I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire.

现在就算他着火了 我也懒得往他身上吐一口唾沫

6. I chew them up, I spit them out, I own that place.

我嚼碎他们 再出来 我拥有那个地方

7. And in the presence of the elderly, don't spit.

而且在长辈面前 不要吐痰

8. Oh, please, if I could spit, I would.

得了 我早就想啐唾沫了

9. You're the spitting image of your mother.


10. You can spit them out if you want to.

如果你想 可以把它吐出来
