
lemony怎么读: 音标['lemәni]
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◎ lemony是什么意思

a. 柠檬的

s. tasting sour like a lemon


1. What is that lemony thingy? It's so good.

那个柠檬味的是什么 好好吃

2. It's clean, fresh, lemony, all the kind of things you'd want from a mouthwash.

它干净 清新 散着柠檬香 满足所有你对漱口水的期望

3. Locals have been harvesting these bitter lemony spruce branch tips for years.

当地人多年来一直 采集这些苦的柠檬味云杉尖

4. These pod into little seeds, and basically if you rub them in your fingers, and *ell them, they're really intense, really lemony, really citrus.

这些豆荚剥开后有种子 用手指搓一下 就能闻到浓郁的气味 浓郁的柠檬香或者说柑橘香

5. As you start slicing them up, you can really *ell that incredibly zesty, almost effervescent lemony *ell from the lemongrass, and it's that scent that insects really don't like, particularly mosquitoes.

将柠檬草茎切成片 你可以闻到那不可思议的清新芳香 柠檬草那充满活力的柠檬香气 正是那种气味让虫子们不好过 特别是蚊子
