
recode怎么读: 音标['ri:'kәud]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ recode是什么意思

vi. 重新编码

v. put into a different code; rearrange mentally


1. It would take decades for them to recode it.


2. His cells were recoded for optimal capacity.


3. I'm sure they've got it recoded by now.


4. What she didn't know is I recoded her the moment I hired her.


5. Physically, his cells were recoded for optimal capacity.

物理上说 他的细胞被重新编码 以达到最佳容量

6. I recoded your node bootstrap scripts so they autoinstall.

我重编码了你的引导程序 让它自动安装

7. There's a lot to fill in and recode, but yeah, it should work.

很多东西需要填写以及重编码 但应该会有用

8. Decoding cues of interest and recoding similar ones.

解析其兴趣点 再将相似之处进行重组

9. You can keep rerouting and recoding all you want, but I will own you.

你可以随心所欲地重路由和重编码 但我会控制你

10. Yes, sir, I recoded the firewall bot myself yesterday.

是的 我昨天亲自重编写了防火墙机器人
