
pilot怎么读: 音标['pailәt]
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◎ pilot是什么意思

n. 飞行员, 领航员, 航船者, 导向器, 驾驶仪, 向导, 领导人
vt. 领航, 驾驶, 引导, 试用
a. 引导的, 控制的, 试点的
[计] 引导

n. someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
n. a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor


1. Pilots, real pilots, they go to war.

飞行员 真正的飞行员会上战场

2. A pilot killed in combat meets a woman who lost a pilot of her own.

一个在战斗中被杀的飞行员 遇到了失去飞行员丈夫的女人

3. You know, I've been piloting planes for so long, sometimes I forget how to pilot my own life.

我驾驶飞机太久了 有时都忘了怎么驾驶自己的生活了

4. Custom, for experienced users, with greater control of the pilot and safeguard that enable me to correct the pilot decisions.

定制模式 推荐经验驾驶员使用 驾驶员获得更大的控制和安保权限 授权我纠正飞行员的决定

5. So get this, the pilot wore a gorilla suit and a derby hat, and he waved a stogie at any other pilots that he came across.

为了能掩人耳目 飞行员身披猩猩的外衣 头戴礼帽 对碰到的其他飞机都挥动大雪茄

6. I'll tell you, in my experience, no unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump a pilot's instinct, his insight, that ability to look into a situation beyond the obvious and discern its outcome, or a pilot's judgement.

以我的经验 无人机永远 比不过飞行员的直觉 见解 以及看透表象 确定结果的判断力

7. This is where you'll meet our pilot.


8. But you, you're the only pilots we have left.

但你们 是我们仅剩的飞行员

9. They're all pilots or doctors or both.

他们要么是飞行员要么是博士 要么都是

10. That means they have a pilot with them.

这就意味着 歹徒当中有飞行员
