
dowry怎么读: 音标['dauәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dowry是什么意思

n. 嫁妆
[法] 陪嫁物, 嫁妆

n. money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage


1. Dowry or no dowry, I still want to marry you.

不管有没有嫁妆 我还是想娶你

2. I have no carriage, no parents, and no dowry.

我没有马车 没有双亲 也没有嫁妆

3. So, the money from the safe is a dowry.

所以 保险箱里的钱是嫁妆

4. It wouldn't provide my sisters with dowries.


5. If he is so different, you do not need a dowry.

如果他如此與眾不同 你不需要嫁妝

6. You're soiled, have no dowry, and no rank.

你被玷污了 沒有嫁妝 沒有地位

7. You're soiled, have no dowry and no rank.

你被玷污了 沒有嫁妝 沒有地位

8. only when your mother sends the dowry.

前提是 你的母后送来嫁妆

9. I substantiate my worthiness to enter into it with a dowry.

我用我的陪嫁 来证明我进委员会的价值

10. I can have my dowry in exchange for her escape.

