
choked怎么读: 音标[tʃәukt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ choked是什么意思

a. 生气的, 恼怒的;堵塞的

s. stopped up; clogged up


1. This says I choke her. It says I choke you.

上面说我掐了她 说我要掐你脖子

2. The minute he said "fireman's ball," I choked, and then I choked him, and then he passed out, and then I walked out that's where we left it.

他一说消防局舞会 我就无语了 然后我勒住了他 他昏过去了 然后我就走了 情况就是这样

3. A person who chokes someone often has defensive wounds on their hands from the fingernails of the person they're choking.

一双掐过别人的手 会有抵抗伤痕 由被掐住的人手指甲刮擦产生

4. We found about this technology of adding a choke, like, like rocket science, rocket science uses a choke to make jets and rockets work, and we put it here with some pressure behind it.

我们发现增加节流阀的方法 就如同火箭技术一样 火箭技术中使用节流阀来帮助火箭飞行 我们把它添加到这里并在后面加压

5. It would seep in and we'd choke, too.


6. I can't tell you if you keep choking me.


7. He was choking, and you gave him mouthtomouth.

他是噎着了 你给他做人工呼吸

8. For what you did for my daughter the day she choked.


9. I would have said she choked on her orals.

是我就会说 她在口试时结巴了[*时窒息]

10. They're holograms, so we can't choke or shoot them.

他们是全息投影 所以我们不能锁他们喉 也不能射死他们
