
ghoulish怎么读: 音标['gu:liʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ ghoulish是什么意思

a. 食尸鬼似的, 残忍的

s. suggesting the horror of death and decay


1. Ghoulish is in the eyes of the beholder.


2. So it's not ghoulish. It's, uh, calculated.

所以这不是毛骨悚然 而是精心计划

3. 新旅游热点 for those drawn to the ghoulish and the disturbing.

切尔诺贝利 那里吸引了大批爱好迥异的人

4. Fine. I'll reach out to my ghoulish friend.

好吧 我会联系一下我的法医朋友

5. Sorry, my dear, it's a bit ghoulish to the layperson.

不好意思 亲爱的 对外行人来说有点吓人吧

6. Louise joined that ghoulish group to torture herself.


7. There's one more ghoulish detail I discovered during the autopsy.


8. Man made it through middle school with that ghoulish raisin.


9. I... I have no want to write some twobit horror novel with ghoulish adjectives.

我不想写一些不入流的恐怖小说 用一些病态的形容词

10. And, uh, I feel kind of ghoulish, waiting for someone to die and give me a kidney.

我觉得有些残忍 等着某人死了 给我一个肾
