
totality怎么读: 音标['tәutæliti]
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◎ totality是什么意思

n. 全体, 总数, 全食

n. the quality of being complete and indiscriminate


1. It totally shouldn't work, but it totally does.

这俩看起来不该组合在一起 但很好吃

2. You are totally capable of not throwing a kegger while I'm gone... totally, totally capable.

你完全可以在我不在期间做到 不办啤酒聚会 完全没问题

3. She was totally right. I was totally wrong.

她说的对 我大错特错了

4. Andand that's her, cause it's, it's totally, it's totally her.

原型就是她 是的 完完全全 就是她

5. I'm the only sibling in this family who's totally you and totally mom.

我是这个家的孩子里 完全由你和妈妈生的

6. It would have appeared totally *ooth and totally white.

它的表面应该是光滑的 全白的

7. I was totally right and you were totally wrong, but that's not important.

我完全正确 而你完全错误 但这并不重要

8. Otherwise, I would totally, totally offer to go with you.


9. No, he's not all right. I'm totally fine. I'm totally fine.

他一点都不好 我很好 我很好

10. But you should totally do what you have to do.

