
cuppa怎么读: 音标['kʌpә]
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◎ cuppa是什么意思

n. 一杯茶

n. a cup of tea


1. Why don't you tell him after brekkie, when he's had a cuppa, unless you think that's too dodgy.

为何不在吃完早餐餐后 他喝茶茶的时候告诉他 除非你觉得这太闪躲了

2. I'm gonna head back to camp, make myself a cuppa.

我要回营地了 去泡杯茶喝

3. I'd take a wee cuppa tea if you're making one.

如果你泡茶的话 我想来一杯

4. These days you're not even allowed a proper cuppa tea.


5. I get him back in here, all back down for a cuppa and a fried egg sandwich.

我再把他带回到这里 下去喝杯茶吃个煎蛋三明治

6. I'll tell you what, you make me a cuppa and I'll tell you everything I can answer.

这样吧 你给我来杯茶 我把我能回答的都告诉你

7. I still try and get a nice cuppa in of an afternoon wherever I am on my travels.

不论旅行至何处 只要下午来临 我都会想方设法给自己来杯茶

8. Get yourself a bacon roll and cuppa before you go back on the hard stuff.

去买个培根卷 喝个茶 然后再捧着烈酒灌醉自己吧

9. There's nothing in the world that a good cuppa can't fix, as my mum used to say.

我妈妈经常说 没有什么事是一壶好茶 解决不了的

10. The apricot, almond and pear flavours make this a delicious dessert or a tasty treat with an afternoon cuppa.

杏子 杏仁和梨子的风味 让这道美味甜点 成为下午茶的绝佳搭配
