
floodlight怎么读: 音标['flʌdlait]
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◎ floodlight是什么意思

n. 照明灯, 泛光
vt. 用泛光灯照亮

v. illuminate with floodlights


1. The floodlights are calling, but not for me.

聚光灯的确在召唤 但不是叫我

2. Till somebody walked in with a floodlight.


3. Yeah, a new neighbor put in floodlights.

是啊 新来的邻居装的照明灯

4. A $35 outdoor floodlight has a decent motion detector on it.


5. Louis, we need to install floodlights in the parking lot.

路易斯 我们必须在停车场安些泛光灯

6. Pravik says he thinks they're shining floodlights or something.


7. The captain hits the floodlights, meant to attract the fish.

船长打开泛光灯 以吸引鱼群

8. The floodlights were pretty bright, and we've been friends for almost 30 years.

当时灯光很亮 而且我们是三十年的老朋友了

9. I don't want to pretend I know how to do your job, but it just seems to me, your best bet would be to aim a floodlight into the night sky with his logo burned into it.

我不想装作我知道该怎么教你们干活 但是对我来说 最好的办法 就是往夜空中投一缕 带着它的徽标的探照灯光
