
confrontational怎么读: 音标[ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃnl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ confrontational是什么意思

a. 挑衅的; 对抗的

a. of or relating to confrontation


1. I'm still confronting my fears the fear of confrontation being one of them, and definitely the fear of confrontation with you.

我仍然要面對我的恐懼 作為他們一員對沖突的恐懼 當然還有面對你的恐懼

2. I would confront him myself, but I don't have to.

我愿意亲自审问他 但我不必那样做

3. Expressing yourself in a journal gives a name to what you have to confront, and you need to confront everything that you're dealing with.

在日志中表达自己 给你要面对的事情命名 你也需要直面 你在处理的一切事情

4. It's too late to confront him now, but until you confront your feelings about him, his shadow will follow you wherever you go.

现在要和他当面对质已经太迟了 但直面你对他的感情还为时不晚 他的影子将会无时无刻跟着你

5. But the second part of the story because I chose to confront my fear of aging and I confronted the gathering inevitability of my own death.

而故事的第二部分 因为我选择直面自己对于变老的恐惧 直面对于自己死亡的越来越大的必然性

6. We've heard testimony from 27 witnesses, under oath, that say you hoped for a confrontation with the police, that your plans for the convention were designed specifically to draw the police into a confrontation.

我们已经听取了27名宣誓证人的证词 他们都说你希望与警方发生冲突 你针对大会的计划是专门为了 引警方与你们发生冲突

7. And I came over here to confront him.


8. You don't have tables for a confrontation.


9. So when I confronted her, she denied it.

我找她当面对质 她却矢口否认

10. You had a confrontation with a patient that wasn't yours.

