
pixy怎么读: 音标['piksi]
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◎ pixy是什么意思

n. 小精灵, 小鬼, 小淘气
a. 淘气的, 恶作剧的

n creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers; of the pine barrens of New Jersey and the Carolinas
n (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous


1. I don't know where you magic pixies came from, but I like your pixie drink.

我不知道你们两个小精灵鬼是从哪来的 但我喜欢你们的精灵鬼饮料

2. I showed you your future with the pixie dust.


3. You two pixies talk feelings. I'm out.

你们俩讨论你们的感受吧 我走了

4. Not sure about all the pixie stuff, but he's all right.

不知道小精灵是不是真的 但他还挺不错

5. It's magic and pixies, and fake gods.

就是魔术和小妖精 还有假神

6. with a pixie in his pocket needs his head examining.

才能出門 真該檢查下腦子

7. I am and always will be a manic pixie dream boy.

我是 以后也是躁狂梦精灵男孩

8. Nah, maybe in a world run by pixies and fairies.

才不会 除非世界掌权者是皮克斯公司的仙女们

9. Hey, your little pixie tribe's in there trashing the place.


10. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie dust and float away.

有他在 所有的问题 都会变成精灵尘飘走
