
loonie怎么读: 音标[ˈlu:ni]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ loonie是什么意思

n. 加元的一元硬币, 可指加元

n the basic unit of money in Canada


1. You're in a loony bin, dude. It happens.

你在疯人院里 哥们儿 很平常

2. The loonies will use her against us.


3. Come on, man, this is the loony bus.

别这样 这里一车都是疯子

4. She said he claimed to be from the future, loony tunes.

她说这个人声称来自未来 疯了吧

5. The one that that drove me into your goddamn loony bin.


6. I'll take you back to the loony bin where you belong.


7. Look, I've spent time at the loony bin.

听着 我在疯人院待过一段时间

8. Yeah, I get it. It's a junior loony bin.

我懂了 就是少儿疯人院

9. You were trying to lock me up in the loony bin, traitor.

你想把我送進瘋人院 叛徒
