SID怎么读: 音标[sid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ SID是什么意思

[计] 安全性标识


1. Sid reminded me that I have guests at the club.


2. Sid, I'm so sorry... It's a bit late for that.

ϣ ҺܱǸ ˵Щʲô

3. Sid, if anything should happen to me, look after them.

希德 如果我有不测 你照顾好他们

4. Sid, it's probably just a sick joke.

小希 这可能就是个*的玩笑

5. Sid said to look after you till he gets here.


6. Sid, I have to ask you a serious question, all right.

西德 我必须要问你个严肃的问题

7. Sid, I think you need to just deal with that and move on.

小希 我觉得你得解开心结 向前看

8. Sid broke his cell phone while we were having a little chat.


9. Sid got to be the hero because you played the bad guy.

希德成为英雄 是因为你扮演了坏人

10. Sid, I want you to go over his application with a finetooth comb.

希德 我想要你再仔仔细细 审核一遍他的申请书
