
tito怎么读: 音标['ti:tәj]
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◎ tito是什么意思

n. 提托(男子名)

n. Yugoslav statesman who led the resistance to German occupation during World War II and established a communist state after the war (1892-1980)


1. Tito, I should explain something to you.

提托 我要和你坦白点事情

2. Tito, he thought he was some *ing tough guy.


3. Tito don't like when people get greedy, bro.

提托不喜欢贪婪的人 伙计

4. Tito thinks that immigration agents are watching the farm, and I think so, too.

蒂托认为移民局的人在监视农场 我也这么认为

5. Tito will present the ornithologists' communication machine in its public debut.

提托要将鸟类学家的沟通机器 首次公开亮相

6. Tito just saw your two friends, the, uh, guys in the band, kissing.

迪托刚刚看到你的两个朋友 两个乐队里的男孩 在亲吻

7. Tito, I've tried everything I can think of, but I don't know why the pigeons aren't healing us.

提托 我已经试过所有能想到的办法了 但我还是不知道为什么鸽子不能治愈我们
