
potency怎么读: 音标['pәutәnsi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ potency是什么意思

n. 力量, 权力, 效力
[化] 能力

n. capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects
n. the state of being potent; a male's capacity to have sexual intercourse


1. A testament to the potency of our resistance.


2. I'm feeling a great potency in this room.

在这房间里 我感受到了力量

3. There isn't a man alive who could withstand its potency.


4. It was out of control but full of potency and promise.


5. With the manticore dead, it will lose its potency.

蝎尾狮一死 魔法就失效了

6. It starts losing its potency the moment it leaves the fangs.


7. It, uh, neutralizes its potency so that we can basically heal our own minds.

它 中和了效力 这样我们就能治愈我们的心灵

8. Look, according to the lab, the real issue is the potency of the fentanyl.

据实验室说 真正的问题是芬太尼的潜在影响

9. Or given the likelihood that the sarin came from an old stockpile, this was simply a test of its potency.

考虑到沙林毒气 可能库存久远 也许这只是一场效能测试

10. So by the time the powder made its way to the second chamber, must've lost its potency.

因此当药粉进入到二室时 一定是失去药效了
