
summarize怎么读: 音标['sʌmәraiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ summarize是什么意思

v. 概述, 总结

v. be a summary of


1. In that case, allow me to summarize.

这样的话 请容我总结一下

2. We can basically summarize it through a triple process.


3. Okay, so, let me see if I can summarize.

所以 让我试着总结一下

4. Oh, I don't know. I like to summarize what happened at the scene.

我不知道 我倒是乐意总结一下 现场发生的事

5. Right, well, then I'll quickly summarize and you're free to go.

好 那我简单总结一下 你就可以走了

6. And today, I would like to do something different summarizing your account of the events.

今天 我想做点不一样的 总结一下你所经历的事

7. We found a poem that we think summarizes, not only marriage, but also family.

我们找到一首诗 不仅总结了婚姻 还有家庭

8. So,to summarize what I reiterated, we're just going to play it cool,low key, nothing to be gained by drawing attention to ourselves.

最後,總結我剛才反覆說的 我們要盡量低調行事 不要讓任何人注意到咱倆

9. Just to summarize, uh, fires, fires, knife fights, robberies, robberies, knife robberies, but third grade is where the real sinning began.

总结一下 就是火光 火影 刀光剑影 抢劫 盗窃 持刀抢盗 但真正的犯罪是从三年级才开始
