
dissect怎么读: 音标[di'sekt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dissect是什么意思

v. 解剖, 切开

v. cut open or cut apart


1. If you won't dissect a dead frog, you'll dissect a live one.

既然你不愿意解剖死蛙 那就解剖活的吧

2. If you won't dissect a dead frog, then you will dissect a live one.

如果你不解剖死青蛙 我就让你解剖活的

3. Yeah. I, uh, just finished the medial dissection and identified the * of doom, then lateral dissection, * of pain.

我刚刚完成了中央切口 确定了危险三角区 然后做了侧向切口 确定疼痛三角

4. I have to say that having not done any dissection of anything dead in over ten years, it's a real pleasure just to be able to dissect a carcass like this.

我得说 过去十年来 我从未在任何死物上进行解剖 仅是这样能够在动物尸体上进行解剖 也实在是一种享受

5. You aren't doing the dissection; you're a resident.

你是个住院医师 不该做剥离

6. Okay, it's not an infarction. It's a dissection.

好吧 这不是心梗 是夹层

7. That's what must have caused his dissection.


8. An aortic dissection is one of them.


9. We think you're having an aortic dissection.


10. We won't find him by dissecting our own minds.

