
quash怎么读: 音标[kwɒʃ]
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◎ quash是什么意思

vt. 撤销, 平息, 镇压
[法] 撤销, 废止, 宣布无效

v put down by force or intimidation
v declare invalid


1. Then prove it by quashing this testimony.

那就废掉她的证词 证明自己

2. I do bear guilt for my suspicions and for not quashing his.

我很愧疚怀疑了你 还有没能化解他对你的怀疑

3. If you could find a way of quashing it, that would make all the difference.

如果能撤銷 那就會大不同了

4. I will quash the subpoena, and the investigation along with it.

我会撤销传票 撤销整个调查

5. I guarantee you, I will move to quash anything.

我保证 我会让所有证据无法呈堂

6. If... if the case was quashed, that means nobody talked to him.

如果那个案子被撤销了 这意味着没人跟他谈过话

7. The best basis for quashing the subpoena is its overbreadth.

撤销传唤的最好原则 就是*越界

8. Born after a liaison with a servant that your brother had to quash.

是和一个仆人私通生下来的 你哥哥不得不澄清谣言

9. We would only ask that this complaint be quashed until the court's jurisdiction is satisfied.

我们只有请求 撤消此项申诉 直到这个法庭具备受理诉讼的管辖权吧

10. Look, if he had told me he was quashing the book, of course I would have been upset.

如果他跟我说他要取消这本书 那我当然会觉得很不爽
