
pup怎么读: 音标[pʌp]
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◎ pup是什么意思

n. 小狗, 幼畜, 令人讨厌的年轻人
v. 生小狗

n. young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf


1. What we saw at the beginning of the season was that the pups gave very nonspecific, generic calls, and now these same pups are giving highly structured calls.

我们早些时候看到的 是幼崽们很笼统的叫声 而现在同一批幼崽却如此有结构地叫唤

2. There's only one * with the pups.


3. For the pups, this is their first adventure.

对幼崽来说 这是第一次冒险

4. More than you'd think, you ignorant pup.

比你以为的多 你这个无知的崽子

5. After all, the pups aren't great at sharing.


6. You want to save a pup from drowning.


7. Looks like it's just me and you again, pup.

看来又只剩咱俩了 小狗

8. The pups have been resting during the heat of the day.

由于高温 幼崽们都在休息

9. So this pup is gradually acquiring more and more structure.


10. We have here a pup and an * calling for the coyote.

这是一个幼崽 和成年土拨鼠对土狼的警报
