
celery怎么读: 音标['selәri]
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◎ celery是什么意思

n. 芹菜
[医] 芹菜, 糖蒿

n. widely cultivated herb with aromatic leaf stalks that are eaten raw or cooked
n. stalks eaten raw or cooked or used as seasoning


1. Oh, well, one time during lunch, my friend said they didn't like celery, but I kind of like celery, so they gave me their celery.

有次吃午饭的时候 我朋友说他们不喜欢芹菜 但我喜欢 所以他们把芹菜给我了

2. It's good, right? It's all about the celery.

挺好喝的 对吧 芹菜是关键

3. Some celery, carrots, a lot of ginger.

加点芹菜 胡萝卜 再多来点姜

4. This is what we call cajun celery, or chadron.

我们叫它卡真芹菜 或者沙德伦

5. I've sweated off some diced onions and celery until soft.


6. First up, drink this mix of celery and cod.

首先 喝下这罐芹菜鳕鱼汁

7. I make them celery stuffed with peanut butter.


8. What I want is to snap your spine like celery.


9. And she cut the celery into these tiny, tiny slices.


10. Like your favorite stalk of celery that just walked in.

