
schoolteacher怎么读: 音标['sku:lti:tʃә]
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◎ schoolteacher是什么意思

n. 教师

n. a teacher in a school below the college level


1. I'm sure you're a good schoolteacher, but, uh... you're a schoolteacher.

我相信你是个不错的老师 但是...你只是个老师

2. A teenager, an astronaut and a schoolteacher.

一个青少年 一个宇航员 一名教师

3. A schoolteacher here, a mother of two there.

这有个学校老师 那有2个孩子的母亲

4. I'm a schoolteacher. I teach fourth grade.

我是一名老师 我教四年级

5. She was a schoolteacher for close to 30 years.


6. Could be anybody a schoolteacher, buddy, girl.

谁都有可能 老师 哥们 姑娘

7. Yeah, she's knockout who also claims to be a schoolteacher.

是 漂亮极了 而且还自称是老师

8. Very bad. I was a schoolteacher, and I once caught a student cheating.

大错特错 我以前在学校当老师 有次抓到一个学生作弊

9. I mean, this kid might really be a schoolteacher.


10. the schoolteacher, the blonde that he went skating with that time.

是那个金发老师 有次他们一起滑冰
