
misinformed怎么读: 音标[ˌmɪsɪnˈfɔ:md]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ misinformed是什么意思

v. 向…提供错误的消息, 误导( misinform的过去式和过去分词 )

v give false or misleading information to


1. We know it was you who planted the misinformation.


2. I'm so sorry, I think you're misinformed.

不好意思 我觉得你误会了

3. I'd hate to think I've been misinformed.


4. Okay, there must be some misinformation out there.

好吧 肯定是有错误信息在传播

5. I fear you've been misinformed as to our king's situation.


6. I may have fed the kid some misinformation.


7. So, we can use that to feed them misinformation.

所以我们可以将计就计 发送虚假情报

8. Since this morning, I've learned I had misinformation.

今早至今 我发现我掌握了错误的信息

9. Seeing you here today, I wonder if I was misinformed.

今天看到你 我不禁怀疑是不是我的信息有误

10. And the Internet has turned me into a plagiarist through innuendo and misinformation.

而通过网上的各种含沙射影 各种消息误传 我却成了个剽窃者
