
cylinder怎么读: 音标['silindә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ cylinder是什么意思

n. 圆筒, 圆筒状物, 汽缸, 柱面
[计] 柱面

n. a solid bounded by a cylindrical surface and two parallel planes (the bases)
n. a surface generated by rotating a parallel line around a fixed line
n. a chamber within which piston moves
n. a cylindrical container for oxygen or compressed air


1. It will hold the cylinder at the precise axis it needs to be to enter the wormhole, ensuring that the cylinder reaches its destination.

它能让钢罐以所需的特定角度 进入虫洞 保证钢罐到达指定位置

2. It was dehydration from filling up all of those cylinders.

是精尽而亡 为了灌满给你们的罐子

3. And we have this completely ordinary cylinder.


4. You and your colleagues had the cylinder last.


5. It's a locked cylinder. It needs a code.

是个密码圆筒 需要密码

6. We can't allow outsiders to recover those cylinders.


7. Willoween is going off, going on all cylinders.

威圣节已经启幕 一片火热

8. Help me move this cylinder into the compressor.


9. He unloaded the entire cylinder on that guy.


10. I will have my men retrieve the cylinder.

