
cyclic怎么读: 音标['saiklik]
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◎ cyclic是什么意思

a. 周期的, 轮转的, 循环的, 轮列的, 轮卷的, 环状的, 环的, 组诗的, 始末的
[计] 循环的, 周期的

a. conforming to the Carnot cycle
a. forming a whorl or having parts arranged in a whorl
a. of a compound having atoms arranged in a ring structure


1. But all indications are that this is a cyclical uptick and not a longterm trend.

但所有迹象均显示 犯罪率不过是周期性上升 并不是长期趋势

2. They had their own writing system and a sophisticated cyclical calendar.

他们有自己的书写系统 并有一套成熟的周期历法

3. You're probably stuck in a quantum cyclic dimension.


4. I mean, the whole family is steeped in cyclical tragedy.


5. Those are what we call fatigue cracks, caused by cyclic stress on the fuselage.

我们称之为疲劳裂纹 机身的循环应力造成的

6. Her last project on cyclic adenosine monophosphate revolutionary stuff.

她最近那个关于环腺苷酸的项目 很具有革命性

7. A quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle is an example of a cyclic polygon.

四个顶点都在同一个圆上的四边形 可被称为圆内接四边形

8. I hand her her latte, and then we talk about merkins and the cyclical popularity of the full bush.

我帮她做好拿铁 然后我们就谈论梅金 和不脱毛的周期性流行

9. If we were to removed our dependency on cyclical consumption we could create products to last, and the only threat to a machines lifespan, would be atmospheric erosion.

如果我们不再依赖周期性消费 我们能极大延长产品寿命 到时设备生命周期的唯一威胁 只有空气侵蚀

10. See within the market there is planned obsolescence, in order to maintain cyclical consumption of goods, it is crucial that products have a short lifespan.

目前市场上存在计划性淘汰 为了维持产品的周期性消费 关键是产品有一个很短的生命周期
